Homepages for Experts, Johann-Christian Hanke
2001, Free download of this manual/tutorial
Download the sample files mentioned in the
XHTML: The New Standard for the Web
- XML as the "Language" of the Future
- Advantages of XML
- Disadvantages of XML
Differences between HTML and XHTML
Basic Structure of an XHTML Document
HTML TIDY, HTML Kit, and 1st Page by Evrsoft
Java, JavaScript, Objects, Properties, and Methods
- The Idiosyncrasies of JavaScript
Let’s Go: Integrating JavaScript Code in (X)HTML
Input, Output, and Variables
Calculating with JavaScript
Redirection with JavaScript and via <meta> Tag
- Simple Redirection
- Timed Redirection
- Redirection via <meta> Tag
Simple Password Protection with the if statement
- Making Decisions with if
- Comparison Operators
Decision Making: Reacting to User Input
- The switch Command
- Changing Background Colors
- Redirection
Programming for Loops
Looping Another Way: while
- Password Protection with Exit Condition
JavaScript Functions and Event Handlers
- Defining a Function
- Event Handlers
- Starting with Buttons
- How Can I Call Functions?
- Function with Parameters
JavaScript Inline and External: Navigation Buttons and Links
- Hyperlinks with JavaScript
- The history Object
- Storing JavaScripts as Separate Files
Programming Your Own Windows with JavaScript
- Windows as Remote Control Objects
- Creating Windows „On the Fly"
Extracting Information from the Surfer and Reacting to it
- The screen Object
- Netscape or Internet Explorer? The Browser Question!
Some Mathematics: Random Numbers with the Math Object
- The Math Object
- Script for the Dice Game
More Fun with Arrays: Random Links and a Jukebox
- An Overview of Arrays
- The Script for the Random Links
- Abbreviation
- Programming a Jukebox
Reading Out and Displaying the Date and Time
XHTML Reference: The Most Important Commands:
- General Tags
- Paragraphs, Line Breaks, and <div>
- Tags for Simple Text Formatting
- Adding Graphics Files
- Drawing Lines
- Making Lists
- Font Tags
- Adding Sound Files and Videos
- Incorporating and Formatting Moving Text
- Tags for Forms
- Anchors and Hyperlinks
- Tags for Tables
- Tags for Framesets
Style Sheets: The Most Important Attributes of CSS
- Attributes for Changing Font Properties
- Attributes for Formatting Lists
- Text Alignment
- Formatting Borders and Frames
- Color and Background Graphics
- Absolute Positioning (Important for DHTML)
Units of Measurement, Colors, and Special Characters
- The Most Important Colors
- RGB Color Codes for CSS
- Codes for Special Characters
- Country Codes for Character Sets
- Hover Links
- Units of Measurement for CSS
Navigating More Comfortably with Pull-down Menus
- Pull-down Menu with Go Button
- Pull-down Menu with onChange
- Pull-down Menu in a Frameset
- Creating the Frameset
- The Navigation File
Changing Several Frames at one Time
- Changing Two Frames at Once
- The Hierarchy in Frames
Further Tips and Tricks for Frames
More Dynamic, Please: Changing Text and Tickers
- Displaying Changing Text in Form Fields
- Changing Text on the Status Line
- Programming a Ticker: The String Object in Brief
- Typewriter Ticker with the substring() Method
Evaluating Forms with JavaScript
- What’s Behind CGI
- FormMail as an Alternative to mailto
- The Example: An Order Form in HTML
- Preventing Accidental Reset and Submit
- The confirm() Box
- The Script for Capturing the Events
Checking Form Field Entries
- Checking Fields to see if Anything was Entered
- Checking the Validity of E-Mail Addresses
- Calculating the Result
Mouseover Effects and Banners
- OnMouseover Effects with Hover Links
- Script for a Banner
Programming and Reading Out Cookies
- "Recognizing" a Surfer with the Help of Cookies
- The cookie Property, setMonth() and Cookie-Syntax
- Reading Out One Cookie from among Many
DHTML: Addressing CSS Containers and Levels
- Prerequisites for DHTML
- The Example: Animating a Graphic
- Programming Pull-down Menus with DHTML
- Curtain up and ... Butterfly!
Checking JavaScript Code for Errors
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